Tuesday 20 April 2010

Script Kurt

Areial (ghost girl) “One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I caught some people alive””

Cuts to next scene with all the girls

Blair: “Is there any spirits in the room that wish to contact us”?

Areial: “Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten”

Cuts to scene with girls again

Blair “What does it mean no, what if it never leaves”
Angel: “Just let go of it, let go of it”
Blair: Go spirit, go Arghhhhhhh” (Scream)

Voiceover (Blair) “We heard all the stories
(in between the voices of the girls screaming) “Get in, Get in”
but we still went ahead and played them game and that was our biggest mistake”

Arial: “Never let them go again”

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