Saturday 5 December 2009

Deconstruction of Obsessed Film Poster-Kurt
The poster’s title Obsessed is displayed in block capitals, and across the middle of the picture so that it stands out. The colour of the title is strange, as it’s a mixture of white and black, to oppositional colours, perhaps indentifying the characters, or part of the meaning of the film. Such as the white side of the title on the two characters, could be the pure innocent people in the film, where as the black mysterious colour could signify the dark streak there could be to the other character. Or it could identify the take over of evil that arises in the story, as the black colour is slowly taking over the white, presenting the idea of a shift in the goodness of things.

The conflict that arises between loves is made apparent in the quote, “all’s fair when love is war”. It could also signify the film may hold a few violent scenes, if war is brought into the question. But it could also be meant for one particular, like someone who doesn’t comprehend the importance of what they may be doing because they are in love. It’s sarcastic, but also thought provoking, or possibly even sadistic and physiologically dealing with an unstable mind. Romance is also a factor of the film, as “Love” signifies this, but the “War” suggests it might not be as charming with much sentiment, and is more abrasive then normal “slushy” romance films.

The dress code is made significant to what each character is conformed to wear. Such as the tall man looks powerful in his crisp working suit, and smart shoes, and blue silk tie which makes him look successful. Where as the female beside him also wears dull colours to represent her role in a work force, with a black belt and black high heels to make her seem sassy and elegant. Her hair is the lustre of curls to add to her appeal as a woman, but in total her uniform signifies she is a powerful woman. The ring she wears could mean she is linked to the man beside her, and that’s why it was important to be shown in the poster, as she is in fact standing in close proximity to the man, giving us the impression she is romantically linked with him. The other woman stands out more, with a deep red dress, that indicates glamour, and sense of being appealing to her and others. She is wearing heels, and is in a certain stance with them, to appear sexual perhaps. Again the hair also warms to her confidence of sexuality. She looks imposing, and dangerous, as if the red imposes a warning, against the other colours of the poster. Also could represent her as the devil in the film, the feisty one set to cause trouble.

She is also cloaked in shadow more then other people, half in shadow, whilst the other half of her gleaming, represent a split personality, or a darker aspect to her character. Her heels are even shadowed, the heels looking sharp and deadly. Whilst the other couple are not so much shadowed, standing in the white clearly seeming not to be as corrupted by darkness. Her skin is a ivory white colour almost, giving the appearance of her not being real, as if she is deluded in herself, or being sick because she is so pale. Her expression looks bitter and envious, perhaps jealousy over the other two beside her. Whilst the couple appear to be looking out for something, her? They seem very guarded in their expressions.

There is no real sense to who the bigger star is, as they seem to be equal with each other among status. With the three names in the same line, and same sized font and colour. The date is in the same font also, making it important too. Underneath is a website to promote the film giving people a insight into the film more by checking their website.
The colour of the film poster is the colours you get used to seeing in noir movies, and they are normally used in mystery detective films. Perhaps there is a puzzle to be solved, or there will be things that will unfold in the film slowly. The black is rather bold, not the faded black that is sometimes used to make things miserable or depressing, but this black colour is thrilling, as if the film will be entertaining. Whilst the white background, and the two people in their work attire colours, seem to be in the norm of things, when something interrupts their daily fashioned lives, in the form of a woman who is behind them in the poster, making it seem as if she is stalking them. The red showing the disruption in the placid colours.

This poster could indicate it is meant for people above the age of 12, or 15, as it’s a mature adopted approach to adults as well, but the characters look quite fresh faced, and less boring to the teenage audience, the glamour something which could appeal to them. There is not enough horror conventions or aspects that suggest the film will be gory, so perhaps its certificate is a 12a. as if there are small violent scenes in it and sexually suggestive dialogue, it might be appropriate for an adult to accompany a child for it.
As there is two women in the poster, it could appeal to females more, The sense of a battle between to dominant females appealing to the women because of the meaning of empowerment. Where as men might appeal to watching this because of the male gaze held for the women, and the potential of their characters in the film. This looks like the type of film people who want to be entertained, or people who like solve things out by help from the film with clues. All in all it looks a film that has suspense, fighting action, but mystery, so its connotations show that it is a thriller genre.

The credits are in tall impacting text, and is at the bottom of the poster, but it is effective in the credits being recognised because the size of font, and it’s place in the poster. It does not overshadow the importance of the poster, because of its choice of font so that it isn’t a distraction to the main message of what the poster is getting across, in terms of what the film is going to be about.

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