Wednesday 2 December 2009

Film 4 By Hollie-Jade Higgins

Film 4 operates in the United Kingdom, where they broadcast free films across the nation, in the region of 20 hours a day. Film 4 is now available to view on Freeview, cable and satellite services, as well as to Sky Digital subscribers. Film 4 finances British films that are usually low budget, showing a realistic filming point of view, which contrasts with the glossy look of American films, below is a list of some Film 4 backed movies;

· Borat
· Bruno
· Deep Water
· Elizabeth
· 4 Weddings and a Funeral
· In Bruges
· Slumdog Millionaire
· This is England

As well as showing some of our ‘home grown talent’ Film 4 also shows mainstream Hollywood such as Alien vs. Predator. Throughout the year Film 4 dedicate certain nights or weeks, this may be to a specific actor/ess, director or even season. Earlier this year Film 4 broadcasted a Julia Roberts season etc.

Film4 has a wide variety of sub-channels including Film4+ 1, Film Four Weekly. With a phenomenal 18 million households tuning in nightly, Film4 has established it’s self as a successful channel.

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